How to Increase Penis Size Fast (in Only Minutes)
Take a moment to learn 3 different ways you can actually increase penis size FAST, usually taking no longer than a few minutes, sometimes even less.
Many guys don't realize that they can actually learn how to increase penis size fast within only a few minutes or so. Imagine how beneficial this would be right before you are about to have sex with someone, or in the locker rooms if you are concerned about size.
And consider this: The penis ALWAYS get's scrunched up and experiences "shrinkage" from time to time (especially if you just get out of a cold pool). So many times our penis actually portrays itself as smaller than it is. You can counter the "shrinkage" factor by following the tips below.
Many guys don't realize that they can actually learn how to increase penis size fast within only a few minutes or so. Imagine how beneficial this would be right before you are about to have sex with someone, or in the locker rooms if you are concerned about size.
And consider this: The penis ALWAYS get's scrunched up and experiences "shrinkage" from time to time (especially if you just get out of a cold pool). So many times our penis actually portrays itself as smaller than it is. You can counter the "shrinkage" factor by following the tips below.
1. The "Hot Shower" or "Hot Rag" Technique
This is an easy one, works good for locker room situations. Get in the shower and direct hot water down towards your penis. Make sure it's not too hot. Let the water hit it for a few minutes. What happens is that heat increases blood flow, thus engorging your penis making it look much more fuller, and curing the shrinkage factor. After a good hot water session you can walk around with a decent stick for a while. It won't last for hours or anything but it definitely can get you through a good foreplay bedroom romp, or locker room change.
An alternative to the hot shower, is a hot rag. You simply take a small hand towel, run it under warm to hot water, then wrap it around your penis for a few minutes. This does the same thing and is a good alternative when taking a shower isn't an option.
An alternative to the hot shower, is a hot rag. You simply take a small hand towel, run it under warm to hot water, then wrap it around your penis for a few minutes. This does the same thing and is a good alternative when taking a shower isn't an option.
2. The "TUGS" Technique
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Here's such a simple trick to increase penis size fast, and it works so well you'll be wishing you would have been using it more in the past. TUGS. This consists, basically, of "tugging" or gently stretching out your penis with one of your hands. Just outstretching it gently and holding it for a moment or so, then repeating a few times will increase size. Remember how we said that the penis loves to shrink and shrivel up on us? Well that's why we need to wake it up and stretch it back out. This not only get's it out of that "scrunched up" situation, it actually lengthens it out making it appear much longer than usual.
Why I know TUGS work so well: Check this out, I once saw "out-takes" from a porno movie. Behind the scenes stuff. Basically while the women were getting into position on a bed, the porn star guys were off camera and guess what they were doing. They were doing TUGS!!! Yeah, no kidding. They were tugging on their Johnson's so that when it came time for "ACTION", they would appear at their largest flaccid state in front of the camera, before getting hard. In a way it's a myth that so many male porn stars are actually "big". A lot of them are normal to slightly above average size, they just do some TUGS before getting in front of the camera, making them appear much larger.
Why I know TUGS work so well: Check this out, I once saw "out-takes" from a porno movie. Behind the scenes stuff. Basically while the women were getting into position on a bed, the porn star guys were off camera and guess what they were doing. They were doing TUGS!!! Yeah, no kidding. They were tugging on their Johnson's so that when it came time for "ACTION", they would appear at their largest flaccid state in front of the camera, before getting hard. In a way it's a myth that so many male porn stars are actually "big". A lot of them are normal to slightly above average size, they just do some TUGS before getting in front of the camera, making them appear much larger.
You may have heard this one before, but it really is a must if you are looking for an all natural size bump. What a HUGE difference it really makes. And again, this is also a famous trick of male porno stars so they look their biggest. You never see massive pubes surrounding a porno schlong. Most of them shave everything they got!
You don't need to shave down everything. Matter of fact it looks more natural, and legit, if you simply TRIM down your pubes leaving some hair, but making sure that all are trimmed around the entire base of the penis. Do it and you will see a BIG difference. You can go from small to good looking size instantaneously. All that hair covers the up the shaft, hiding it, thus hiding any and all SIZE. Trim it up and you bring that SIZE out.
You don't need to shave down everything. Matter of fact it looks more natural, and legit, if you simply TRIM down your pubes leaving some hair, but making sure that all are trimmed around the entire base of the penis. Do it and you will see a BIG difference. You can go from small to good looking size instantaneously. All that hair covers the up the shaft, hiding it, thus hiding any and all SIZE. Trim it up and you bring that SIZE out.
These are 3 easy ways for how to increase penis size FAST. Again, these are great right before having sex with a partner to show off as much size as possible.
These are NOT permanent size gaining methods though, but they will do the trick for the moments you need to get big fast. For permanent size gains you have to do the exercises and be patient. Click on one of the programs below for exercise routines which guarantee inches of added, permanent, size gain.
These are NOT permanent size gaining methods though, but they will do the trick for the moments you need to get big fast. For permanent size gains you have to do the exercises and be patient. Click on one of the programs below for exercise routines which guarantee inches of added, permanent, size gain.

NEW! The Penis Enlargement Bible is emerging as a solid routine for increasing size using both exercises and some "secret sauce" to speed up the results. Click HERE or on the Bible to learn more!
Here's the "6 minute a day" how to increase penis size routine which is mentioned in the videos above. This routine guarantees you will grow noticeable size in several weeks.
Click the banner below to check out the routine and read the testimonials.
Click the banner below to check out the routine and read the testimonials.
What about Penis Enlargement PILLS? Is that a way to increase penis size fast?

Penis enlargement pills, or sometimes simply called "PENIS PILLS", have been around for a long time, usually operating under ever changing brand names, with ingredients ranging from the pharmaceutical unknowns to various herbal concoctions. Do penis pills work? Generally not. They are considered the epitomy of snake oil solutions for male enhancement in terms of long term, permanent and noticeable size gain. However, for temporary gains in size, the results may be more realistic than you think.
Many modern day penis pill brands will advertise "harder erections" and "immediate size gains". Matter of fact some companies are so convinced that you will be convinced, they actually send out a free week's worth of samples. Apparently hoping you will experience some size and then order up an expensive months supply. And apparently, this hook, line, and eventual sinker method has actually worked very well. So what's really happening here?
Here's what's up. Some pills will increase blood flow causing what appears as a temporary increase in size. Usually nothing major though, it's not like automatic inches being gained. What also happens is that some pills will cause harder erections (and sometimes longer lasting erections). This will also give the appearance of increased largeness. Unfortunately these are all temporary, and you won't be walking around an inch bigger after a week or even a year. The size gains don't last.
So is this a good solution for how to boost up your size in only minutes? Only if you want to possibly look bigger during sex, and if you want your erection to be harder. Otherwise, using the other natural male enlargement methods above will work better for appearance sake, before, during and even after sex.
Many modern day penis pill brands will advertise "harder erections" and "immediate size gains". Matter of fact some companies are so convinced that you will be convinced, they actually send out a free week's worth of samples. Apparently hoping you will experience some size and then order up an expensive months supply. And apparently, this hook, line, and eventual sinker method has actually worked very well. So what's really happening here?
Here's what's up. Some pills will increase blood flow causing what appears as a temporary increase in size. Usually nothing major though, it's not like automatic inches being gained. What also happens is that some pills will cause harder erections (and sometimes longer lasting erections). This will also give the appearance of increased largeness. Unfortunately these are all temporary, and you won't be walking around an inch bigger after a week or even a year. The size gains don't last.
So is this a good solution for how to boost up your size in only minutes? Only if you want to possibly look bigger during sex, and if you want your erection to be harder. Otherwise, using the other natural male enlargement methods above will work better for appearance sake, before, during and even after sex.
What about using PENIS PUMPS or Vacuum penile devices to get a bigger penis quickly?

(See our UPDATE on pumps below) Penis pumps are another form of male enhancement which have been around for quite a while. The idea is that by using a pump or vacuum contraption on the penis, blood flow increases and after time the penis is suppose to develop into bigger size. Pumps are generally not considered that effective, and actually can cause harm due to excess pumping, and the resulting popping of blood vessels. There are new models that are popping up, claiming to be safe and of course, more effective, though the verdicts are not in on their true effectiveness for noticeable and sizeable penis enlargement gains. We will keep posted on any effective pumps to use as a legit way for how to increase penis size.
As for a temporary size increase, pumps can cause a size gain as the pumping engorges the penis with blood, thus appearing at it's fullest.
Some pumps or vacuum penile devices are marketed towards erectile dysfunction, and can be effective for this purpose. Sometimes a clamp is necessary to maintain or hold up the erection after it's been pumped up.
UPDATE: We have to call it when we see it and it does appear some guys have been reporting decent permanent size results using more modern water based penis pumps. Right now we are looking at The BATHMATE (Click Here). You can read more about our take on the Bathmate penis pump and view the video on our new page right HERE.
(These new pumps can also be used as an effective way to increase penis size fast, but the quick gains of course will be temporary.)
As for a temporary size increase, pumps can cause a size gain as the pumping engorges the penis with blood, thus appearing at it's fullest.
Some pumps or vacuum penile devices are marketed towards erectile dysfunction, and can be effective for this purpose. Sometimes a clamp is necessary to maintain or hold up the erection after it's been pumped up.
UPDATE: We have to call it when we see it and it does appear some guys have been reporting decent permanent size results using more modern water based penis pumps. Right now we are looking at The BATHMATE (Click Here). You can read more about our take on the Bathmate penis pump and view the video on our new page right HERE.
(These new pumps can also be used as an effective way to increase penis size fast, but the quick gains of course will be temporary.)
What About FOODS that INCREASE PENIS SIZE for natural male enlargement?

There are muscle building diets and weight loss diets, wouldn't it be grand if there were a penis enlargement diet? Just put yourself on a diet eating foods that increase penis size, sounds great right? Well, as you may have guessed as far as natural male enlargement and eating goes, there isn't some magical diet to get you bigger.
Then why is it that you can come across numerous articles or inquiries about foods that increase penis size? Generally speaking, there are two reasons.
1. Weight Loss. The thinking here is that if you eat foods that will help you lose weight, specifically belly fat, then this will in turn cause your penis to actually appear BIGGER. Now hold on because there is actually something to this. Visually speaking, if you have a large gut, then your penis is going to appear smaller. It's a simple matter of having a large object cause a naturally smaller object to appear even more small. Now take a lean stomach and put it above the same sized penis, and guess what? Even though the Johnson is the same size, it is going to LOOK much bigger. So as far as dieting to get a bigger dong, it's all in appearance. You will appear bigger, despite not actually gaining any size.
2. The second reason people talk about penis enlarging foods is that they are basically referring to male performance enhancement, rather than size enhancement. Basically, there are foods that will help with energy and libido. More energy and a stronger libido can lead to better sex, a harder and longer sustained erection. Foods such as bananas, garlic, figs and almonds are said to contribute to having better sexual energy. So yes, having a harder erection can help with having the appearance of a larger penis, but again it will be a temporary size increase, and really these foods have more to do with sexual performance than male enlargement.
Then why is it that you can come across numerous articles or inquiries about foods that increase penis size? Generally speaking, there are two reasons.
1. Weight Loss. The thinking here is that if you eat foods that will help you lose weight, specifically belly fat, then this will in turn cause your penis to actually appear BIGGER. Now hold on because there is actually something to this. Visually speaking, if you have a large gut, then your penis is going to appear smaller. It's a simple matter of having a large object cause a naturally smaller object to appear even more small. Now take a lean stomach and put it above the same sized penis, and guess what? Even though the Johnson is the same size, it is going to LOOK much bigger. So as far as dieting to get a bigger dong, it's all in appearance. You will appear bigger, despite not actually gaining any size.
2. The second reason people talk about penis enlarging foods is that they are basically referring to male performance enhancement, rather than size enhancement. Basically, there are foods that will help with energy and libido. More energy and a stronger libido can lead to better sex, a harder and longer sustained erection. Foods such as bananas, garlic, figs and almonds are said to contribute to having better sexual energy. So yes, having a harder erection can help with having the appearance of a larger penis, but again it will be a temporary size increase, and really these foods have more to do with sexual performance than male enlargement.
What About Hypnosis, Manifestation, and other New Age Penis Enlargement Remedies?

Believe it or not there are penis enlargement remedies out there which revolve around everything from hypnosis to the power of manifestation. These are not doable methods in the sense that they will actually increase penis size on their own. That is, just praying or manifesting in your mind that you want larger penile size, is not going to suddenly bring about an added inch or two.
But there is actually a place for the above at home penis enlarging remedies. You can go through hypnosis or practice manifestation techniques, neuro-linguistic programming techniques, or other mental tricks in order to get yourself disciplined enough to accomplish your male enhancement goals.
For instance if you choose to implement a jelqing routine, this is going to require patience and commitment. Manifesting the necessary discipline to perform jelqs (penis exercises) can help you with sticking to a routine. Hypnosis could help with accepting your size more, while accepting realistic expectations on size gains. NLP techniques, made famous by Anthony Robbins, can also assist in acquiring the necessary discipline for learning how to jelq.
Whatever you choose in the hypnosis, or new age realm, remember it shouldn't be a quick fix method where you can expect size to occur. It should be used as a supplement in achieving your goals.
But there is actually a place for the above at home penis enlarging remedies. You can go through hypnosis or practice manifestation techniques, neuro-linguistic programming techniques, or other mental tricks in order to get yourself disciplined enough to accomplish your male enhancement goals.
For instance if you choose to implement a jelqing routine, this is going to require patience and commitment. Manifesting the necessary discipline to perform jelqs (penis exercises) can help you with sticking to a routine. Hypnosis could help with accepting your size more, while accepting realistic expectations on size gains. NLP techniques, made famous by Anthony Robbins, can also assist in acquiring the necessary discipline for learning how to jelq.
Whatever you choose in the hypnosis, or new age realm, remember it shouldn't be a quick fix method where you can expect size to occur. It should be used as a supplement in achieving your goals.
What Good are these Quick Fix, "Get Bigger Penis Size" Tricks, if they are only Temporary? Won't the Woman be Disappointed Later?

Good question. These tips for increasing your penile size may seem absurd on the surface since they are only temporary. But, in actuality, they are extremely important and very, very beneficial.
You see, a HUGE part of sex and sexual intimacy is mental. It's filled with fantasy. Take a HOT woman and put her in frumpy pajamas with zero makeup. Then take the same woman and put her in sexy lingerie, with her hair and makeup done up sexy. Same woman, different effect mentally. Once you see how hot a woman can be, then she still becomes hot later on, even in the frumpy pajamas. That's why they say first impressions are so important. That first imprint of a persons image stays cemented in your mind forever.
So you can see the importance of achieving temporary gains. The visual of big size will last in her mind. Everything's fantasy, and if you have the opportunity to enlarge that fantasy then you should definitely take it.
Another thing on these temporary size tactics. If you do end up doing jelqs, the penis exercises, then you will probably have to wait several weeks before seeing any huge, noticeable results. In the meantime, you can employ all of these quick fix tactics to look bigger, until your permanent gains kick in from the jelqing routine.
You see, a HUGE part of sex and sexual intimacy is mental. It's filled with fantasy. Take a HOT woman and put her in frumpy pajamas with zero makeup. Then take the same woman and put her in sexy lingerie, with her hair and makeup done up sexy. Same woman, different effect mentally. Once you see how hot a woman can be, then she still becomes hot later on, even in the frumpy pajamas. That's why they say first impressions are so important. That first imprint of a persons image stays cemented in your mind forever.
So you can see the importance of achieving temporary gains. The visual of big size will last in her mind. Everything's fantasy, and if you have the opportunity to enlarge that fantasy then you should definitely take it.
Another thing on these temporary size tactics. If you do end up doing jelqs, the penis exercises, then you will probably have to wait several weeks before seeing any huge, noticeable results. In the meantime, you can employ all of these quick fix tactics to look bigger, until your permanent gains kick in from the jelqing routine.
Can you learn how to increase penis size permanently by doing exercises just with your hands or do you need to use pumps too?

You can make gains using only your hands as this is the method many, many men have been doing for several years now and they have been reporting noticeable size increases both in length and in girth. Again, this is done using only their hands and following a good jelqing program.
Now days we have new tools out that are available to us and they are beginning to show promise at increasing size. Such as the bathmate water based penis pump. These simply were not around years ago and so guys did what they knew worked, which was exercising with the hands (penis pumps have been around but the new water based pumps which are proving to be much safer and more effective, were not around).
Now the question of combining the different methods for size increase results, on the surface may seem to be beneficial, but really you want to just do one or the other, at least when you are starting out with penis enlargement. If you do both you really won't know which method is working the best for gains.
Some advanced users will use both methods, once they are comfortable with having done each separate, and know not to over train.
Now days we have new tools out that are available to us and they are beginning to show promise at increasing size. Such as the bathmate water based penis pump. These simply were not around years ago and so guys did what they knew worked, which was exercising with the hands (penis pumps have been around but the new water based pumps which are proving to be much safer and more effective, were not around).
Now the question of combining the different methods for size increase results, on the surface may seem to be beneficial, but really you want to just do one or the other, at least when you are starting out with penis enlargement. If you do both you really won't know which method is working the best for gains.
Some advanced users will use both methods, once they are comfortable with having done each separate, and know not to over train.