so you scored a date with this gal, and you need to last long...
How Can I Last Longer When I Have Sex Tomorrow?
By Chess McDoogle
If you are asking the question, "how can I last longer when I have sex tomorrow?", then you must be in search of something that will work quickly and effectively. Many of the lasting longer solutions take a few weeks to practice before you can see results. But, there are a few very effective ways you can last much longer than normal right away.
How can I last longer when I have sex tomorrow? Method #1
1. Masturbation before hand.
Here's a good solution if you need an effective method right away. Basically you will want to plan to masturbate about an hour or so before sex. What this does is forces your body to work harder and last much longer during actual sex. Basically, you are getting your "quick ejaculation" over with during masturbation, rather than actual sex. Once you get it out of the way, then when you have actual sex, you won't be as sensitive and your body won't allow you to ejaculate so quickly as it did during masturbation.
How can I last longer when I have sex tomorrow? Method #2
2. Mental Tricks.
Prepare a bunch of mental tricks to do beforehand. This can include picking a number to count backwards with, then thinking of your favorite sports team and going through all the players in your head. These are all classic ways to avoid premature ejaculation. Think of 3 things you can do to keep your mind busy during sex the next day. What this does is takes your mind away from the excitement at hand. When you get caught up in the excitement and pleasure, you end up ejaculating too quickly. If you keep your mind busy by counting or thinking of baseball, then you won't get excited as quickly and you will last long.
Want some more effective answers to "how can I last longer when I have sex tomorrow"? Check this out -
You'll not only learn quick fix methods, BUT also you will learn a permanent technique for lasting as long as you want and never having to worry about ejaculating too quickly again! Check it out right here -
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