at home tricks you can do to make your penis look really big!
Penis Enlargement Tricks You Can Do at Home
By Chess McDoogle
Here are some easy penis enlargement tricks that you can do at home. No pills, no pumps, and no extending contraptions. All these tricks are not only more effective than what I just mentioned, they also require very little to perform and likely you have these things in your home already. Let's get to it.
Scissors. Take a pair of scissors and start trimming. We are talking about the pubic hairs of course! This is the first at home penis enlargement trick we are going to employ in order to visually bring out your real size. Now you may have heard about "shaving the pubes". This really is not necessary, as scissors can do the trick just fine. You basically want to trim all the way around the base of your penis as close as possible. Most of the time pubic hair covers up much of the base making you appear smaller than you really are.
Shower. Now that we have you trimmed up, go hit the shower. The trick here is to aim the hot water toward your penis. Keep raining down hot water to your penis for a few minutes. Of course you want to keep it comfortably hot and not so hot as to cause any discomfort.
Now what this does is increase blood flow to the penis. This fills up the penis, making it larger, while still remaining in a non-erect state. This trick is excellent for locker rooms or especially for the time you are about to have sex with your partner. If you take a quick shower, do the hot water trick, then you will come out with some impressive size. The key for now is to experiment and figure out how long it takes for that size to come on.
Stretching. You will not always be able to hop in a hot shower to encourage penis enlargement. This is when stretching can help tremendously. Right before male adult film performers are about to appear on camera, they will often perform stretching exercises in order to get a bigger penis.
What stretching entails is essentially taking your penis shaft as closest to the head as possible, and gently stretching it outwards and holding for a few seconds. Then release and repeat. What you will notice is after several stretches, your penis will become elongated. It will get longer, yet will not become erect.
This is an awesome trick to use right before disrobing when you are about to become intimate with you girlfriend or boyfriend. If you can excuse yourself for a brief moment and do some quick stretches you will have elongated yourself into an impressive penis size. This is really ideal, as your penis can naturally become "scrunched up" throughout the day, especially when one wears briefs over boxers. A few good stretches will loosen things up and allow your penis size to flourish.
Jelqs. Besides stretching, there are jelqs. Also called "jelqing" this is more of a long term, permanent penis enlargement trick. It basically entails becoming half erect (not fully erect, only half erect) and then massaging your penis from the base to just before the head using your hands. You make a circle with your thumb and forefinger and wrap that around your penis, while slowly massaging up.
You will need something for this. Lubrication. This can be either petroleum jelly or some other lubricant like KY jelly. But do not use water or soap. It has to be an actual lubricant.
Sometimes certain vitamin supplements that you may already have in your home are used while doing jelqs in order to achieve faster results. Different programs recommend different approaches and routines for doing jelqs so it is always good to get on a practical program that has sets, reps, and minutes per session outlined for maximum effectiveness.
Here is an excellent penis enlargement program featuring both jelqs and at home supplementation which can speed up size results -
This routine keeps it simple by employing both at home penis enlargement techniques, yet it has cracked the complex code for how to get a bigger penis with it's unique combination of both hand exercises and supplementation to ensure the largest size results possible. You can check out the PE Bible program at
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