Enlarging a Penis - Will Penis Pills Help? - The Truth About Male Enhancement Finally Exposed
By Chess McDoogle
Enlarging a penis appears to be an impossible task to many men. Nevertheless, men will still spend hundreds of dollars on penis pills, in hopes of getting bigger.
Here I will expose the truth about enlarging a penis, the penis pill industry, and if any legitimate male enhancement options actually exist.
A long time ago it was understood that big penis size was a hugely desirable thing for men. Those that were big felt a huge amount of confidence. Those that were small felt embarrassed.
Obviously the need and desire was there. So "male enhancement remedies" promising huge gains in size began to emerge, and the most famous were, and are, the penis pill remedy.
It was an easy solution. Just pop a pill or two a day, and after not long extra size would occur. But was enlarging a penis through pill popping really legit?
Suddenly that one brand that had advertised so heavily the last few years, making enormous amounts of sales, would suddenly disappear. Then another brand of pills would suddenly emerge.
This has been happening for years. Here's what's going on:
Basically, the pills don't work. Yes, there are some placebo effects here and there, and some temporary blood increases to the penis which give the illusion of real size gain, but all in all none of the pill contents of all the various brands out there have been proven to actual gain real, true, size.
So after a few years of huge sales, complaints start coming in and word of mouth brings about the truth that this brand of pills do not work increasing size. The brand fades away, another brand emerges, and the same thing happens. This cycle repeats itself, money is made, but no one is GETTING BIG!
Nevertheless, the pill option is still going strong and luring in guys hoping to get a quick fix for gaining size. The claims have become more outrageous with "results in 7 days"! Once one week goes by, guys still remain hopeful, buy more refills and cross their fingers that another months supply will bring on size gains.
Since the pill enlarging route doesn't work, is there any way (outside of surgery) that a guy can get bigger?
There are exercises. But these take time and you have to do them consistently 3-5 days a week. BUT, they do provide some significant size increases, both in length and in width, if you stick with a good routine and do the exercises properly.
Exercises are nothing new either, as tribes used to use them as part of ritual for young men to enlarge the penis as a symbol of manhood.
But, since the exercises can be done with your hands and no pills are needed, they have been suppressed and remained underground for many years. Now, with the help of the internet, they have re-emerged, and guys have been reporting very impressive gains through performing enlarging exercises on a consistent basis.
Here is all the information you need for EXERCISES which will increase penis size both in length and width - http://Penis-Enlarging-Exercise.com
This is the routine that guys have been reporting the best gains from, and it only takes 6 minutes a day to do. Check it out and read the amazing size results achieved from this highly effective exercise routine - http://Penis-Enlarging-Exercise.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chess_McDoogle