what's a guy gotta do to not come too quick???
How Can a Guy Last Longer in Bed? 2 Ways to Stop Premature Ejaculation
By Chess McDoogle
One of the most important aspects to sex is making sure you last long enough. Unfortunately one of the most common problems with sex is guys not being able to last long! But there are things you can do to improve your lasting ability.
So, how can a guy last longer in bed?
Breathing. Believe it or not, if you work on deep breathing during sex you can hold out longer. It takes a lot of the psychological pressure off from trying to perform your best, and calms nerves you might not even know are playing a big role in causing quick ejaculations from happening. Many experts have already stated that premature ejaculation is, to a large part, mental. I didn't want to believe this at first, but then I tried taking my mind away from the sexual excitement at hand, and I actually lasted much longer than usual. Try taking deep breaths during sex, especially if you feel ejaculation coming on. This can have a great calming effect which allows you to hold out longer.
Squeezes. You can also hold out much longer by doing something physical. Squeezes basically involve squeezing the muscle between your testicles and anus. Try urinating and then stopping to identify this muscle. You will feel the muscle that stops urination. Once you identify the muscle you can use it to prevent premature ejaculation. When you feel ejaculation coming on, try squeezing in, and then up. This 2 prong squeeze works well to delay ejaculation and last much, much longer than usual.
Ideally you will want to use a combination of both breathing and squeezing during sex. It might take some practice, but you will find you can prevent quick ejaculation and experience much better sex.
Want to learn how to combine mental and physical exercises to totally prevent premature ejaculation for good? Here's the routine that everyone is using with great success - http://EjacRoutine.info
By the way, this same routine has a little known method that will work immediately (as in tonight) for lasting longer during sex (around 10 minutes longer). Check out the routine you can use tonight at http://EjacRoutine.info
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chess_McDoogle