How Do I Enlarge My Penis?
By Chess McDoogle
If you have been wondering, "how do I enlarge my penis", then you've come to the right place. I want to outline exactly what does and what does not work for penis enlargement, so you don't waste your time trying methods and routines that don't work.
Pills - You've likely seen advertisements for penis pills at one point or another. The claims are pretty grand: just take a pill a day and eventually you'll see size (and if not, well you'll have to purchase another bottle). Pills have been around forever, but the brand names always seem to change. This is because they don't work and eventually the brands build up such a bad wrap that they have to be discontinued. Pills are so popular because they present a simple hope for size gain: just pop a pill with no effort. But, it's too simple and many men have been very disappointed with the results.
Surgery - This option can work, but it also can't work. That is to say there have been reported cases of men coming out of surgery with results they are not pleased with. Risking ending up with an odd looking penis is just not worth it. Surgery is very expensive as well and usually not an option financially for most guys.
Pumps - When guys ask "how do I enlarge my penis" they think about that story about the judge who was caught using a penis pump secretively during a trial! Well, if a judge thinks they work, then they must work, right? There are mixed results with pumps and many guys simply discontinue or discount altogether the pump option due to safety concerns. You can overpump and cause harm to your penis fairly easy. As for the judges decision to try pumping, remember he also decided to use it in public, so there were some major mental issues going on already.
Weight hanging - Yes, some guys resort to actually hanging weights from their penis. While hanging anything from anywhere will likely stretch out the skin and extend things some, obviously there is a fine line between stretching something out and ripping it out causing damage. Weight hanging is done by guys in a very meticulous manner with extreme caution. But even then there is unseen risk present. The benefit to risk ratio falls very strongly on the too risky side.
Exercises (Jelqing) - Exercises have been around the block for quite some time. Hundreds of years actually. But as we have seen with pills, being around a long time doesn't mean it's legit. Unlike pills though, exercises were being used with good results. There are early photos of tribes who performed the jelqing exercise as part of ritual with very noticeable elongated penis size results. The last decade or so has seen the resurgence of jelqing exercise in the modern day, and the results have been similar. Jelqing is considered the one method that does actually work for increased male enhancement size. The first step in answering the question "how do I enlarge my penis" should be looking into exercise techniques, specifically jelqing. There are full programs and routines which provide jelqing exercises designed to enlarge the penis safely and effectively.
Here is one of the most effective Jelqing exercise programs for those looking to add increased penis size -
This particular routine guarantees size results, and they have a 6 minute a day routine which means just exercising for 6 minutes a day and after several weeks, you will achieve bigger size. Check it out at
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