Why do you need a hot towel for jelqing?
Jelqing For Penis Enlarging - The Hot Towel Wrap
By Chess McDoogle
Performing jelqing exercises for penis enlarging requires a very important step which many people leave out, and thus don't experience results as quickly as they could have. It involves the hot towel wrap. Here's how to add the hot towel wrap to your jelqing routine.
1. The hot towel wrap needs to be applied before you begin jelqing.
First, begin with light massaging to achieve a semi erect state. Then take a very warm towel (obviously not too hot) and wrap it around, holding it for up to several minutes. Then you want to again perform light massages, and again the wrap. This should be repeated 2-3 times.
Essentially this is considered a "warm up" before you begin the exercises, which in turn makes the exercises much more effective, as well as much safer. Many people jump right into jelqing, avoiding the wrap warm up and are usually disappointed when results don't occur as fast as they should.
2. Wrapping should also be applied after your jelqing exercises.
After you are done performing your jelqing exercises, you should also use the wrapping technique. This can actually extend the benefits of your jelqing exercising because you are maintaining increased blood flow by performing a wrap.
Unfortunately most guys finish their exercising and call it quits, rather than taking a few minutes to warm down with wrapping which not only greatly increases the jelqing benefits but brings on better, and quicker results than without it.
You can choose to do the post warm down in the same manner as the warm up (wrap then massages then wrap), or you can simply just apply wrapping for several minutes and warm down in that manner.
For complete instructions on penis enlarging exercises and for a routine that only takes 6 minutes a day, see http://EnlargingRoutine.info
This is the best, most legitimate program on the net. Check out http://EnlargingRoutine.info
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chess_McDoogle